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Produce hero illustration



black and white image of woman and abstract shapes

Are you looking for a creative services partner that can deliver more than exceptional talent for standalone projects?

Base5 can help you scale content affordably.

Through production workflow design, continuous evolution and outsourcing efficiencies, we help rapidly growing businesses plan and execute strategies to drive sustainable growth and achieve their longer-term ROI targets.

We understand that each customer's realities are unique. You need a custom production strategy that aligns with your service roadmap, in-house capabilities, and stakeholder relationships.

Base5 strategies are built around
5-point framework:



Produce Discover Illustration

First, we need to truly understand your business and needs. These insights might come from a detailed briefing, but it often includes a creative discovery phase as well.

During this phase, we identify, describe, and visualize the service requirements. This is also the stage where we initiate discussions about budgets, volume expectations, success metrics, and ROI targets.


Produce Collect Illustration

Our approach is designed to be flexible, depending on the nature of the project. The aim is to collect as much objective data as possible to plan for success in future stages.

We will research competitors, analyze previous iterations, and delve into existing metrics, successes, and failures. However, the most reliable data comes from running a service for a test period to collect operational data under real-world conditions.


Produce Plan Illustration

Documentation plays a starring role in this phase. What exactly are we aiming to achieve? How will we accomplish it? Who has a stake? What does scaling look like from the perspectives of inflow, capacity planning, and SLAs?

Tangibles created include detailed service-specific brand guidelines, service briefing guides for sales and customer success teams, and standard operating procedures for each tier of the creative production process.


Produce Execute Illustration

With the groundwork laid, it's time for the creative teams to work their magic. With clear expectations, style guidance, and concise briefings, designers are set up for success.

However, beware of falling into a rut. The ever-present challenge here is to maintain creativity while innovating within a structured production framework.


Produce Evolve Illustration

Whether the evolutionary cycle is five days, weeks, or months, data-driven decision-making is critical to successful process evolution. Throughout the service lifecycle, we monitor, log, analyze, infer, test, and adapt.

We react to new inspiration, refine for changes in business drivers, and introduce a few random mutations for good measure. Continuous improvement is the make-or-break success factor.



Produce Discover Illustration

First, we need to truly understand your business and needs. These insights might come from a detailed briefing, but it often includes a creative discovery phase as well.

During this phase, we identify, describe, and visualize the service requirements. This is also the stage where we initiate discussions about budgets, volume expectations, success metrics, and ROI targets.


Produce Collect Illustration

Our approach is designed to be flexible, depending on the nature of the project. The aim is to collect as much objective data as possible to plan for success in future stages.

We will research competitors, analyze previous iterations, and delve into existing metrics, successes, and failures. However, the most reliable data comes from running a service for a test period to collect operational data under real-world conditions.


Produce Plan Illustration

Documentation plays a starring role in this phase. What exactly are we aiming to achieve? How will we accomplish it? Who has a stake? What does scaling look like from the perspectives of inflow, capacity planning, and SLAs?

Tangibles created include detailed service-specific brand guidelines, service briefing guides for sales and customer success teams, and standard operating procedures for each tier of the creative production process.


Produce Execute Illustration

With the groundwork laid, it's time for the creative teams to work their magic. With clear expectations, style guidance, and concise briefings, designers are set up for success.

However, beware of falling into a rut. The ever-present challenge here is to maintain creativity while innovating within a structured production framework.


Produce Evolve Illustration

Whether the evolutionary cycle is five days, weeks, or months, data-driven decision-making is critical to successful process evolution. Throughout the service lifecycle, we monitor, log, analyze, infer, test, and adapt.

We react to new inspiration, refine for changes in business drivers, and introduce a few random mutations for good measure. Continuous improvement is the make-or-break success factor.

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